Map View topic


CameraChangedEvent Navigation View Map View
Represents camera changed events in a Google Maps view.
CameraPosition Navigation View Map View
Represents the camera position in a Google Maps view.
CameraUpdate Navigation View Map View
Defines a camera move, supporting absolute moves as well as moves relative the current position.
Circle Navigation View Map View
Circle that has beed added to map.
CircleClickedEvent Navigation View Map View
Event emitted when a circle is clicked.
CircleOptions Navigation View Map View
Defines CircleOptions for a circle.
DashPattern Navigation View Map View
Class representing a dash used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle.
DotPattern Navigation View Map View
Class representing a dot used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle.
GapPattern Navigation View Map View
Class representing a gap used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle.
GoogleMapsBaseMapView Map View
The base view for map view and navigation view. Not to be used by itself.
GoogleMapsMapView Map View
The main map view widget for Google Maps Map View.
GoogleMapsMapViewState Map View
Google Maps Map View.
GoogleMapViewController Map View
Map View Controller class to handle map view events.
InfoWindow Navigation View Map View
Text labels for Marker info window.
LatLng Navigation Navigation View Map View
LatLng coordinate object.
LatLngBounds Navigation View Map View
LatLngBounds bounds object.
MapClickEvent Navigation View Map View
Represents the click position in a Google Maps view.
MapLongClickEvent Navigation View Map View
Represents the long click position in a Google Maps view.
MapOptions Navigation View Map View
Encapsulates the initial configuration required to initialize the google map view.
MapViewInitializationOptions Navigation View Map View
Encapsulates the initial configuration required to initialize the navigation map view.
Marker Navigation View Map View
Marker that has beed added to the map.
MarkerAnchor Navigation View Map View
Specifies the anchor to be at a particular point in the marker image.
MarkerDragEvent Navigation View Map View
Marker drag event sent from platform side.
MarkerEvent Navigation View Map View
Marker event sent from platform side.
MarkerOptions Navigation View Map View
Defines MarkerOptions for a marker.
MyLocationButtonClickedEvent Navigation View Map View
My location button clicked event.
MyLocationClickedEvent Navigation View Map View
My location clicked event.
Settings for the user interface of the map.
PatternItem Navigation View Map View
Item used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle.
Polygon Navigation View Map View
Polygon that has beed added to map.
PolygonClickedEvent Navigation View Map View
Event emitted when a polygon is clicked.
PolygonOptions Navigation View Map View
Defines PolygonOptions for a polygon.
Polyline Navigation View Map View
Polyline that has beed added to map.
PolylineClickedEvent Navigation View Map View
Event emitted when a polyline is clicked.
PolylineOptions Navigation View Map View
Defines PolylineOptions for a polyline.
StyleSpan Navigation View Map View
Style and length of a stroke on polyline.
StyleSpanStrokeStyle Navigation View Map View
Style for stroke of a polyline.


CameraEventType Navigation View Map View
Represents the event type for CameraChangedEvent.
CameraPerspective Navigation View Map View
Parameter given to parameter given to the GoogleNavigationViewController.followMyLocation to specify the orientation of the camera.
CameraUpdateType Navigation View Map View
Internal camera update type.
MapType Navigation View Map View
Map type.
MarkerDragEventType Navigation View Map View
Marker drag event types
MarkerEventType Navigation View Map View
Marker event types
PatternType Navigation View Map View
Pattern used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle.
StrokeJointType Navigation View Map View
Joint types for Polyline and outline of Polygon.